Fintech Frontier: Forward Together
Off Screen Text
May 2024
Traditional financial services organizations across Canada, including banks, pension plans, asset managers, custodians and more, have found success engaging in productive relationships with financial technology firms or fintechs.
CIBC Mellon and its fintech allies are embracing a new era of collaboration and forging innovative pathways at the intersection of financial services and technology.
On May 8, 2024, CIBC Mellon will host its second Canada Fintech Innovation Showcase in Montreal. We are elated to have the opportunity to connect Canadian institutional investors once again with leading voices in the fintech sector. This event will gather leading asset owners, asset managers, insurance companies, foundations, consultants and more.
Featured participants include
Tina Allan, President of LTIMindtree Canada
Jacques Deforges, Chief Executive Officer, Finance Montréal
Kevin Jennings, Global Head of Alliances, Accelex
Charles Juneau, Assistant Vice President, Operations, Manulife Investment Management
Gary Kennedy, Enterprise Sales Director, Duco
François Le Bel, Chief Business Development Officer, impak Analytics
Jean-Sébastien Leroux, Director, Financial Operations, Trans-Canada Capital
Richard Anton, Chief Client Officer
Mal Cullen, Chief Executive Officer
Mike Garneau, Vice President, Relationship Management, Eastern Canada
Michael Graham, Vice President, Head of Quebec Region and OCIO Segment Head
Cynthia Shaw-Pereira, CIPM, Vice President, Head of Asset Owner Solutions
The showcase will feature networking, remarks from industry leaders, fireside chats, practical use cases with prominent fintech organizations and an exhibition showcase.
Why Now?
Growth from the Ground Up: Canadian Financial Technology in the Nexus of Innovation
Canadian fintech innovation continues to inspire and evolve. In this video, leaders and experts from across our industry share their perspectives on technological innovation and the role that Canadian organizations play within the global market in the race for progressive operating models, client success, and business advantage.
Perfect Storm: Where Innovation Meets Opportunity
While the use of Al in the financial services industry is evolving rapidly, technology in combination with traditional data sources has the potential to provide invaluable insights to inform and accelerate human decision-making and enterprise-wide growth.
Building Tomorrow: Canadian Fintechs at the Forefront of Global Innovation
We are investing to help prepare not just for the needs of our clients today, but to support them well into the future. Let’s move forward together.
To watch on demand content from our first fintech showcase, our “future of data” event with Snowflake and more, visit our BrightTalk page (one-time registration required).
This article is provided for general information purposes only and CIBC Mellon and its affiliates make no representations or warranties as to its accuracy or completeness, nor do any of them take any responsibility for third parties to which reference may be made. This article should not be regarded as legal, accounting, investment, financial or other professional advice nor is it intended for such use.
About CIBC Mellon
CIBC Mellon is a Canadian company exclusively focused on the investment servicing needs of Canadian institutional investors and international institutional investors into Canada. Founded in 1996, CIBC Mellon is 50-50 jointly owned by The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY) and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). CIBC Mellon's investment servicing solutions for institutions and corporations are provided in close collaboration with our parent companies, and include custody, multicurrency accounting, fund administration, recordkeeping, pension services, exchange-traded fund services, securities lending services, foreign exchange processing and settlement, and treasury services.
As at December 31, 2024, CIBC Mellon had more than C$3 trillion of assets under administration on behalf of banks, pension funds, investment funds, corporations, governments, insurance companies, foreign insurance trusts, foundations and global financial institutions whose clients invest in Canada. CIBC Mellon is part of the BNY network, which as at December 31, 2024 had US$52.1 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration. CIBC Mellon is a licensed user of the CIBC trade-mark and certain BNY trade-marks, and is the corporate brand of CIBC Mellon Trust Company.
For more information – including CIBC Mellon's latest knowledge leadership on issues relevant to institutional investors active in Canada – visit www.cibcmellon.com